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(applied to nursery 5 year old kids)


Name of the activity: Words in the story (4-12 years old)


The aim of this activity is to predict a story from key words; to create interest and attention in listening to the story.


Development of the activity: 

We will introduce and write a selection of key vocabulary from the story on the board. 

For example: A boy called Jack, beans, mami, beanstalk, chicken, gold eggs, giant and so on.

Once we put the key vocabulary on the blackboard, we will ask them to predict what they think that is going to happen in the story. 

Finally, we will listen to the story and they will have to compare what happens with their predictions.



While-telling activity

Name of the activity: Finger stories (4-6 years old)
The aim of this activity is to listen and follow a story doing actions with the fingers, to develop concentration skills and physical coordination.
Name of the activity: Story sequence (6-12 years old)


Development of the activity:

Children will have to follow the story looking at the gestures that we are doing with our hands.

We will place the children in a circle around us, and while we tell the story, we will do some actions related to the story. 

Also we will encourage the children to join in doing the actions and telling the story with us.


Post-telling activity


The aim of this activity is to read and order a familiar story, to practice reading and retelling the story to collaborate in a group. 


Development of the activity:

First of all, we will have to divide the class into groups of four and give each group a set of sentences. Once they have all the sentences, they will have to arrange the sentences in the order of the story on the is desks.

Finally, they will have to check the answers by inviting individual children for different groups to take turns to read the sentences in order. 


Here you can find a very interesting video-song about this story:


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