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                                                       The book is perfect for children aged 6-7




We are all different. The Little Frog is an endearing story that will teach children how to accept themselves the way God made them. When you fully rely on God, like Little Frog learned to do, God will show you his great purpose for your life. Little Frog is a welcome new character for every child who is searching for love and acceptance in a big world.





Once upon a time, there was a group of little frogs. And they wanted to have a raceThe final line was the top of a very high towerThe crowd started to gather around the tower to watch the race and give support to the contestants.And the race began:

To be honest:

No one believed that little frogs could reach the top of the tower

There were voices from the crowd who said:

“O…the track is too hard!!! They’ll NEVER GONNA MAKE IT to the top”


“They have no chance. The tower is too high!!”

The little frogs started to fall down, one by one, except those who had the spirit to climb the tower slowly higher and higher,

The crowd kept yelling “Impossible!!!! No one gonna make it!!”

The crowd kept yelling “Impossible!!!! No one gonna make it!!”

But there was one little frog who managed to reach higher higher and higher 

He didn’t give up!!

Finally, other frogs gave up, but not for one little frog who was still trying hard to be the only one who can reach the top of the tower!

One of the contestants who failed asked the little frog how he managed to find the power to reach the top.

But they found out that the frog was DEAF!!!

Wisdom words:

-Never ever listen to those who have negative tendencies or pessimist because they’re taking the most of your life and rip it away from you.

-Always listen to the wisdom words, because anything that you’ve heard or read can affect your behaviour!!!

That’s why, be POSITIVE

-And most of all: act DEAF if people said that you’ll never gonna reach you goal!

-Always think: I can do this! And most of all: act DEAF if people said that you’ll never gonna reach you goal!

Always think: I can do this!

Always think: I can do this!






On the pre-telling we find the activities we do before the tale. This activities are for kids comprehension.

First, to attract the attention of the children, you can use a hello song. For example:







To present the principal character you can use a riddle, you go to this page:

 (You must put the video on the 0:55 minute to 1:27)






The first activity: “Parts of the body”


Didactic objetives: With this activity we show the pupils the vocabulary about the tale.


We will have a frog teddy. We will present it to the class and it will be the new pet of the quarter. It is supposed that they know the parts of the body, so we will make them to mark it with the teddy. (Annex 1)



The second activity: “Roll a Leap Frog Dice Game”.

Didactic Objetives: Make children enjoy and learn how to work in groups.



Provide dice per pair of students. Students take turning rolling the dice and drawing the part of the frog. As you can see in the picture, this student rolled a three. So, they drew the arms of the frog. (Annex 2)


The vocabulary is this: Eyes, nose, mouth, hands, tongue, arms, legs, feet.



The third activity is a song where we work the numbers until five: Use finger play or let children act out the "Five Little Speckled Frogs" rhyme. Have five children sit on a strip of tape on the floor. Let one "frog" jump into the pool until the end of the poem.


Five Little Speckled Frogs


Five little speckled frogs, (Hold five fingers "frog" on top of your

other arm "log.")

Sitting on a hollow log,

Eating the most delicious bugs. Yum! Yum!


One jumped into the pool, (jump a finger off the log into the pool)

Where it was nice and cool.

Now there are how many frogs? FOUR! (Hold up four fingers)


Four little speckled frogs,

Sitting on a hollow log,

Eating the most delicious bugs. Yum! Yum!

One jumped into the pool,

Where it was nice and cool.

Now there are how many frogs? THREE!


Three little speckled frogs,

Sitting on a hollow log,

Eating the most delicious bugs. Yum! Yum!

One jumped into the pool,

Where it was nice and cool.

Now there are how many frogs? TWO!


Two little speckled frogs,

Sitting on a hollow log,

Eating the most delicious bugs. Yum! Yum!

One jumped into the pool,

Where it was nice and cool.

Now there are how many frogs? ONE!


One little speckled frog,

Sitting on a hollow log,

Eating the most delicious bugs. Yum! Yum!

It jumped into the pool,

Where it was nice and cool.

Now there are how many frogs? NONE!




The objective is make the children to touch every material while the teacher is telling the tale. This activity are for kids to participate in the story.


This part will consist in a motor tale extracted from de book “Little Frog”. It consists in a frog who travels around the forest and she finds a lot of natural elements. Each one of that will be made by the teacher with different types of material. The objective is make the children to touch every material that is prepared while the teacher is telling the tale. At the same time they will have a frog face on their face. By this way they will be the protagonist of the story.





On the post-telling, the story was narrated and we find the activities related to the story.


The first activity is a little poem very easy to enjoy with the children. (Annex 3)

The second activity we used this simple frog template with younger children. Print out onto green card or cut out of green craft foam, then add stickers, splodges of paint, large googly eyes, whatever you like! (Annex 4)

The thrid activity  “Shove Ha'Froggy Game” Just for fun, here's our froggy version of shove ha'penny, which the kids can make themselves! (Annex 5)


You will need:


Large sheet of blue card

Pink card

Felt pens



Draw a rectangle 28 by 20 cm. On each of the longest sides draw 5cm by 28cm rectangles and on one of the short sides draw a 5cm by 20cm rectangle (with flaps at the side) so you have a shape like this.

Draw a line every 4cm on the central rectangle to separate it into 7 sections. Number them 1-7.

Cut out some lilipads from pink card and glue onto the board. Number the 8,9,10.

Fold up the sides and glue the flaps into place.


To make the counters


Either print our pieces onto thick card or print onto paper and cut out and stick on to counters or pennies. (Annex 6)


To play


Sit the box so that it lines up with the edge of a table top.

Place a counter over lapping the edge of the table. ‘Shove’ the frog counter over the table using the palm of your hand.

If it falls completely within a section you score the points for that section. Play continues until each player has had 4 turns.

The winner is the player with the highest total score.




For younger players score the number of points of the section into which the majority of the frog counter falls.




                   Annex 1 (Pre-telling)



























                                           Annex 2 (Pre-telling)

















                                                 Annex 3 (Post-telling)



















                                     Annex 4 (Post-telling)































                                  Annex 5 (Post-telling)






























                                 Annex 6 (Post-telling)

The Little Frog

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