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We really love talking about multiple intelligences, because we really believe that each of us is good at something and the only thing that we sometimes need is a little push to bright on it.
If we consider that there are 8 different intelligences that is not possible to say that a person is not intelligent, because intelligence is not only about maths and science. It is common to speak about intelligent people just thinking of their academic results, but… let’s think about people:
Do you think Rafa Nadal is an intelligent person? And what about Albert Einstein? Monserrat Caballé?
Normally people relate with intelligence those who have something to do with fisics, maths or biology. But the real approach is to think that each of them are intelligent in their way.
There are eight different intelligences and we are going to explain each of them:
Linguistic intelligence:
Some people are good at: reading, memorizing, playing word games, making up rhymes, puns, using the internet.
We can say that those people are very intelligent linguistically speaking. An example is: Beatrix Potter. And here you have some activities that can help children developing this intelligence or wide it if they already have the intelligence.
Logical/Mathematical intelligence:
Recording information systematically, setting up the experiments, playing strategy games, analyzing data, asking logical questions, using the internet… are some of the things where that kind of intelligent people is good at. Einstein is a clear example of it.
Spatial intelligence:
Studying pictures, watching video, using visual and tangible aids, doing mazes, puzzles, making predictions and using the internet are the skills we can find in people who bright with this kind of intelligence.
Kinesthetic intelligence:
Those people is brilliant doing role games, constructing physical examples, exercising while review, visiting museums and institutions, parks and asking logical questions. An example is Quino.
Musical intelligence:
Listening to recordings, talking to yourself, making up songs, mentally repeating information, reading aloud and changing tempo are only a few things that musically intelligent people enjoy and do it well.
Interpersonal intelligence:
This intelligence is about how people is in contact with other people and the context, studyng in groups, comparing information with others, interviewing experts, relating personal experiences, being a team player and doing cooperative projects are related with the interpersonal intelligence.
Intrapersonal intelligence:
People who learn better by avoiding distractions, establishing personal goals, Playing solitary games, setting own pace, working alone and relating personal experiences are the ones that are brilliant in this intelligence.
Naturalistic intelligence:
Studying outside, learning in the presence of plants and pets, relating environmental issues to topics, smelling, seeing touching, tasting, and observing natural phenomenon are the things that better fix with the people that is intelligent in this field.